Guest 77
JoinedTopics Started by Guest 77
French MP's ban all overt religious symbols from the classroom
by yxl1 ini must admit, i was happy when the bill was past taken from
french mps back headscarf ban.
there are about five million muslims living in france
Newsweek Cover: Who Killed Jesus?
by willyloman inmsn has posted the cover of the latest issue of newsweek, with a cover story on mel gibson's new movie based on jesus' crucifixion.
the provocative headline: who really killed jesus.. without getting into that debate, i'm going to go out on a limb and make a prediction:.
i have not read the article, but think it is a pretty safe bet that with all the religious experts they will quote in this article, there will not be one single reference to the wts or jw's.. just a couple of years ago, the same magazine (or was it time?
How Time Flys,,,,,,,pictures of my son, then and now
by LyinEyes insaturday my son is going to go to a 6 hour driving course to get his d/l.
i have been letting him practice driving and he is doing very well.
i am glad he is going to thru the course , i am sure they will highlight alot of things he needs to know.
NEWS: Stock Market Bubble Affects Freemasons
by slipnslidemaster instock market bubble affects freemasons
ap - may 3rd, 1:32pm
in a press release today, grand lodge of england, which is freemasonry's oldest extant lodge, announced that due to the stock market collapse they would be dropping the "free" from their title and be known as "masons" starting the first of the month.
Feelings of an active JW
by XBEHERE ini have been lurking on this board ever since the may 2002 broadcast of that dateline on the subject of child molestation.
that show made me realize that the wt may not be speaking for god.
well naturally i discovered the truth about the "truth" over the past 21 months.
We should all be dead !!
by Simon in
according to today's regulators and bureaucrats, those of us who were kids in the 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's probably shouldn't have survived.
our baby cribs were covered with bright colored lead-based paint.
Guns, Doctors, and Lawyers?
by Tatiana ina. the number of physicians in the us is 700,000. .
(us dept.
of health & human services) .
Alone and Lost. Please help me understand.
by Amy in PA inbackground information:first of all, i am not a jw.
i divorced my husband due to his alcohol addiction and because he repeatedly refused to seek help.
i could no longer carry the burden, and so after 30 years, i left.
Why Do Jewish Leaders Want to Censor Mel Gibson?
by RubyTuesday in.
jewish leaders want a monopoly over the spiritual life of the jewish people, and do not want them to learn about the liberating faith of christianity because jewish leaders would lose their power.